Friday, December 3, 2010

McGuire Luck

I was referred to Specialized Autism Tutoring, they have affordable prices for the additional therapy that Melanie needs.  During my conversation with him, I was informed that there is a waiting list (McGuire Luck)
So maybe there might be something available in January. I went ahead and told him to put me on the list and to let me know as soon as there was an opening, he agreed. We did schedule a tour of the place and it will be on Dec 17th.

Also today I was looking into a grant that I would finally qualify for, but they told me that I had to claim every bank account that I have. Well Amber has two accounts with my name on it. They told me that I still had to claim them. I thought that was ridiculous because it's not my money, but they said since I have access to it then it becomes my money. More McGuire Luck (inside joke for the McGuire's.)

I'm coming to the conclusion that I'm cursed. Every time I think a door is opening, it closes right before i get to it.

On the positive side, Melanie is progressing very well in school. She did have a set back yesterday and had to miss school because she was sick, but she's all better now.

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