Thursday, April 5, 2012

new things.

A few weeks ago i was cleaning out the truck and i found one of her toys. When i gave it to her she said "mom you're the best". Aww that melted my heart. So i wondered where she heard that. Well yesturday we saw Curtis and he has a big stuffed tigger. Curtis squeezed tigger and he said you're the best, so now i know where she got it. Now everytime i pick her up from school she tells me "mom you're the best."

On monday 3/5/12 i took her to the childrens place and ofcourse she wanted everything. We saw a cute denim skirt and i said do you want this one and she said no thats Annies (a girl in her class.) if melanie sees something that someone else is wearing she wont wear it or if someone is wearing something she has she will throw a fit because she thinks its hers and wants it back. Then she saw two baggies filled with clippies and lip gloss, she grabbed two different ones and out loud she told herself,  PICK and she used her finger to point to the one she wanted.

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