Thursday, February 28, 2013

OT evaluation

2/28/13 today we went for an OT evaluation. It lasted close to two hours. Melanie was very curious of her surroundings so she was easily distracted. Not sure if she did everything Mikkie wanted her to do. She had her write, cut a around a circle and square. Stack blocks, put beads on a shoe lace, stand on one foot, stand on her tiptoes, open a container. She also observed her motor skills. I also had to answer a few questions. Some of the questions were about problems with eatting, sensitivity to lights, noise, textures of food and clothing. Activity level, attention span and that's all I can remember. Mikkie will look at everything and then let us know what the plan will be.

Yesturday I spoke with Bonnie about  Melanie's new dx. She thinks the dx should have not been removed. She mentioned something's that made me question the new dx. Here's an example: a typical child who sees someone holding a puppy would say he's so cute, what's his name, can I hold him etc. they ask a lot of questions. Melanie doesn't. She will just say aww he's so cute and then reach to touch the dog. Melanie also only talks about what she wants to talk. Het conversations are one way. If she talks to someone it's about what she wants to talk about. She never asks questions, she only makes statements. There are days when I see the ASD symptoms and then there's days I don't. I'm so confused right now.

Today we had our home visit with Liz. We once again talked about the dx. She's hoping that J.Morrris will accept an invitation to visit Melanie at the school so she can observe her, hope she deceides to visit. Tmw Adam will sign a release so Liz can contact J. Morris. Let's hope for the best.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Revealing the new diagnosis

On 2/18 we went to see Mr. Curtis and Stacy. I showed Curtis the diagnosis without saying a word. He had a huge smile on his face and quickly noticed that the Autism dx was gone. He was very happy for us. He could not believe it. Ofcourse I was very emotional and he listened patiently to me vent. We talked about how far Melanie has come and how much she had overcome. I asked him if he wanted a copy of the dx and he said yes. He also said that he was going to frame it. That made me feel good but I'm sure he was kidding. We will see.

On 2/19 I showed the dx to Liz. She quickly skimmed through the report. She was surprised to see the new dx. She had several questions that I could not answer. At that moment those feelings came back and I became emotional again. What if J. Morris misdiagnosed my child. What if she made a mistake. Liz said that she would give her a call and hopefully get our questions answered. Liz also said that she would figure out how we can still get Melanie all the services that she needs. I really hope that this new dx doesn't affect Melanie's treatment plan.

Farewell Holland hello Italy

On February 13, 2013. I received the news that I was finally leaving Holland and on my way to Italy. The moment I have been waiting for. 3 1/2 plus years in Holland. I find myself on the plane with no luggage and no idea where I'm going to live. I thought I was ready for this move but I was so unprepared. It was all so unexpected.  Part of me wanted to stop the plane and go back, because that was my home. The other part wanted the plane to go faster so I can start a new chapter of my life with my family. It's been bittersweet.

That day we went to see Jennifer Morris the clinical psychologist to give us the results of Melanie's evaluation. I walked in thinking she was going to have PDD-NOS/ADHD. Instead we received a ADHD-H diagnosis. There was no longer a PDD. I was excited and confused. I could not believe what I was hearing. It did not make sense. How can a child who had a lot of the signs for Autism no longer have it. How did it disappear.  I read of families who loose everything to get their children the services that they need in hopes of one day curing their child of Autism. People have gone to the extreme to change their diet and use alternative medicine. I did none of that. All I did was get my child early intervention. I went full force. I never changed her diet or spent thousands on DAN doctors. So why us, I don't know. What I do know is that I believed that one day GOD was going to cure my child and if not fully cure her then he would make it to where no one knew that she had it. I also had friends, family and complete strangers pray for us. Thank you GOD for this miracle. When I got to the car I started to cry. I could not believe what we had just been told. Adam was not sure why I was crying. All I kept saying to myself was. It paid off. All the hard work, the driving across town, driving to therapies, therapies at home, all the sacrifices we made. We did it!!! Then it hit me. What now, where do we go from here. Where do we begin. Will my child still get the services she needs. I don't want her to fall through the cracks. I was so overwhelmed. Breathe I said, breathe.
Melanie still has some obstacles to overcome. We know have ADHD-H. I'm not too familiar with what it is, what causes it and how to treat it. But being the person that I am. I will research everything     so I can once again help my child. I don't know if we will win this battle but I will try. I'm having a  hard time finding support groups and organizations but with time I will find something that works for  us.                  

This news has been bittersweet for me. I still have questions and I'm not sure I will find the answers. I will try to call J. Morris to see if she can clarify some things. I haven't told any of my Autism friends. I don't know how they will react. Part of me thinks there was a mistake in the dx and I'm sure my friends will think the same. I guess I'm scared of what they will say and i don't want them to feel as if they failed their children. I'm also scared that what if it was a mistake, what if she misdiagnosed my child. I've been told to enjoy this victory because finally all the hard work and sacrifices have paid off. But it's hard to do.