Saturday, February 23, 2013

Revealing the new diagnosis

On 2/18 we went to see Mr. Curtis and Stacy. I showed Curtis the diagnosis without saying a word. He had a huge smile on his face and quickly noticed that the Autism dx was gone. He was very happy for us. He could not believe it. Ofcourse I was very emotional and he listened patiently to me vent. We talked about how far Melanie has come and how much she had overcome. I asked him if he wanted a copy of the dx and he said yes. He also said that he was going to frame it. That made me feel good but I'm sure he was kidding. We will see.

On 2/19 I showed the dx to Liz. She quickly skimmed through the report. She was surprised to see the new dx. She had several questions that I could not answer. At that moment those feelings came back and I became emotional again. What if J. Morris misdiagnosed my child. What if she made a mistake. Liz said that she would give her a call and hopefully get our questions answered. Liz also said that she would figure out how we can still get Melanie all the services that she needs. I really hope that this new dx doesn't affect Melanie's treatment plan.

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