Thursday, February 28, 2013

OT evaluation

2/28/13 today we went for an OT evaluation. It lasted close to two hours. Melanie was very curious of her surroundings so she was easily distracted. Not sure if she did everything Mikkie wanted her to do. She had her write, cut a around a circle and square. Stack blocks, put beads on a shoe lace, stand on one foot, stand on her tiptoes, open a container. She also observed her motor skills. I also had to answer a few questions. Some of the questions were about problems with eatting, sensitivity to lights, noise, textures of food and clothing. Activity level, attention span and that's all I can remember. Mikkie will look at everything and then let us know what the plan will be.

Yesturday I spoke with Bonnie about  Melanie's new dx. She thinks the dx should have not been removed. She mentioned something's that made me question the new dx. Here's an example: a typical child who sees someone holding a puppy would say he's so cute, what's his name, can I hold him etc. they ask a lot of questions. Melanie doesn't. She will just say aww he's so cute and then reach to touch the dog. Melanie also only talks about what she wants to talk. Het conversations are one way. If she talks to someone it's about what she wants to talk about. She never asks questions, she only makes statements. There are days when I see the ASD symptoms and then there's days I don't. I'm so confused right now.

Today we had our home visit with Liz. We once again talked about the dx. She's hoping that J.Morrris will accept an invitation to visit Melanie at the school so she can observe her, hope she deceides to visit. Tmw Adam will sign a release so Liz can contact J. Morris. Let's hope for the best.

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