Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Today I took Melanie to a beginners ballet/tap class. We went to the 5-7 year old class. Even though it was a beginners class the kids were very advanced. Melanie was able to keep up with them but she struggled with the steps. Everything was going great until she deceided to become friends with a girl. The girl looked older than Melanie and she already had a best friend in the class. The girls kept pushing Melanie away everytime she wanted to be close to them. Melanie doesn't understand their mentality so she kept saying to them that they were mean and not being nice. My heart broke for her because Melanie always seems to attach to one kid and only that one kid. She doesn't have a problem making friends but for some reason she attaches to one kid only. So towards the end of the class she was upset and started crying which lead to her not wanting to participate anymore. As we were leaving one of the girls was already sitting next to her mom, Melanie approached them and told the mother "she and her sister were mean to me." So I explained to her mom what happened and the mom told the little girl to be nice and the little girl said it wasn't her and so forth.
We checked out with the front person and she asked why Melanie was crying so I told her then she offered for Melanie to stay and try the prek class. So we did. Now this class I loved the teacher was very patient and showed Melanie how to do the steps. Melanie looked happy and you can tell she was enjoying herself. Towards the end she had a little breakdown because it was time to go. Melanie does not like things to be over especially if she's having a good time. The lady in the front again was so nice that she gave Melanie some cookies to Cheer her up.  Overall she did very well especially since she did two classes back to back. I asked her if she wanted to come back and she said no. That's her favorite word.  We will try it again next week. Hopefully she will continue to like it.

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