Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Townsend elementary

This school year Melanie was main streamed. She's had her ups and down but luckly more ups. When school first started Liz was with her. Melanie struggled with putting her backpack on by herself and swinging on the swings with no help.  That has now improved. She does struggle with ignoring her friends and paying attention to the teacher. Melanie likes to talk when she's not suppose to and she likes to tough/hug her friends when she's not suppose to. Yesturday she got a sad face because she wasn't listening and today she was hitting and pushing. Melanie thinks that if she does something to a kid and she gets caught that by saying sorry she should immediately be forgiven and then she can continue doing what she was doing as if nothing happened.  Unfortunately life doesn't work that way. I don't understand how she can have several days with no problems and then we will have several days with problems. I want to believe that she's just being a kid and that every kid in her class behaves that way at some point.  I have noticed that as she's getting older she's pushing everyone's buttons so I've deceided to take Melanie to PCIT and hopefully this will help her out in school and at home.  Overall I am pleased with how well shes doing and the teacher thinks so too.

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