Wednesday, January 30, 2013

4 year old evaluations

I took Melanie for her 4 year old check up. At the doctors office I filled out a form that was checking to see where she's at developementaly.  To the doctors surprise Melanie is developing like a  four year old. Yeah!!! Early intervention really works.

Melanie started seeing a new speech therapist her name is Stacy. With the help of Curtis, they have been doing some evaluations. Melanie is doing so good with her speech. She's right on target with her age group. She still has difficulties with articulation and social conversation.Hopefully we can get her involved in social groups, that should help her a lot. The speech path also noticed something different. She thinks Melanie might have posterior tongue tie. If she does have that. Then that would explain her articulation problems. I need to research this a little more and take her to see the specialist. I want a second opinion. I mentioned this to Amanda her ST from Parkview. She used a strawberry flavored tongue depresser to look at her tongue. She did agree that Melanie could not move her tongue side to side and up to her palate. Melanie also has a difficult time sticking her tongue out. It all makes sense now. Melanie likes to eat ice cream with a spoon. She never licks lollipops. She has trouble with the L's and TH's, there's more letters.  Hopefully soon I can get her to see the specialist. I'm hoping that speech therapy will help her and that we can avoid surgery.

On Friday the 25th. Adam took Melanie for her Autism evaluation. He said it lasted about 45 minutes. He answered questions while the psychologist observed Melanie. On Monday the 28th. We took her back for the second part. When the test started the psychologist Jennifer Morris was so impressed with how well Melanie was doing. For a moment there, she said that Melanie looked more as if she has ADD instead of ASD. To us that was a huge success. Thank you early intervention.  We did have to take a few breaks because Melanie was getting tired and irritated. She completed the test in about 2 1/2 hours. During the testing, Melanie surprised us because she knew a lot more than what we thought. Cognitively wise she has come a long way. Her greatest strength were numbers. She's great at counting. She also did great at pretend play. We are so proud of her. I can't believe how much she has improved. Thank you God and therapist, the hard work is paying off.

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