Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Everyday she impresses me more and more. This summer we took her to Disneyland and she did amazing. She was able to leave the Disney stores without difficulty. She participated in two shows. Thanks to her imitation skills she was able to imitate the other children and blend right in. We also took her to the beach which she loved. We took her to a restaurant in El Centro, where we had lunch with some of my high school friends. Melanie did so good. She was able to entertain herself with the iPad. My friends were so impressed on how well behaved she was. Yeah!!!

In August all of her friends graduated from Early Foundations. That was very difficult for her because she did not understand why they were not coming back in August. She misses her friends so much especially Emma and Cherish. The first couple of months back to school was hard for her. Every time she would go to class she would ask for her friends. Melanie began to say that they were sick and that's why they weren't there.  She's now adjusted and has made new friends but she still mentions her other friends and always wants to go see them.

Going to the stores has gotten easier. Of course she wants everything but she doesn't throw tantrums like before. If she wants something we say that we will get it for her bday or Xmas and she's perfectly fine with it. There are times where she doesn't fall for that so at the check out we have her choose between a toy or chocolate.  She always goes for the chocolate which is marvelous since its way cheaper.

In September she celebrated her 4th birthday. She did not want to be 4. Every time you would mention that's she's going to be 4, she would get so mad. She had a princess party. We had Ariel as a special guest. Melanie was excited to see her but she did not want to participate in the funny hat song. She would run to her room and cry. The other little girl who is typical did not understand but she did not say a thing and continued to play. Eventually when the song was over Melanie joined in and the party was a success.

We had no problems during thanksgiving and xmas. Melanie enjoys spending time with family. The bad part is that she hates taking picture. We did manage to get a few good ones. When she's in the mood for pictures she loves to make silly faces. She gets that from papa and her dad.

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